blown again

misty cold weather here in southern oregon.
warms the cockles of my celtic heart.
good to be home again, tho only for a couple more days.
far flung florida next. sun to spare there.
we played dunedin with brother hamish years ago.
the memories are good. of the people and the place ...

every time i return home asa is more a person.
bigger stronger faster. cheekier and funnier.
and i am always more enthralled.
by him. by the process.
and now he is to be a big brother.
he doesn't really get it yet
but we certainly do.
i know it will be similar
and yet different in so many ways too.
and so the world will turn.
and our minds will be quietly(or not so quietly) blown again ...

anxious to have that rascal drewski living here.
somehow we've managed to keep the BROTHER beast breathing,
across the years, across continents, across seas.
but it is always easier to move quickly when we're closer.
seems he will drive across the country early in the new year.
here's to a safe journey mate.
